bringing a coffee company to life.


GAIA COFFEE CO. was a heart project. Deeply fascinated by the diverse and colorful world of coffee, we wanted to bring a company into this world, that shows this fascinating world of coffee on the one hand, but at the same time make it a fair and sustainable process from the beginning to the end. So we went to the beautiful coffee mountains in Costa Rica, searched and found a farmer, who produces highest quality coffee and acts responsible towards his coffees, his land and his workers and pickers, imported the coffees to the US – and created GAIA COFFEE CO.

By doing everything ourselves – from the decision which coffees we will buy, over doing the exporting and importing directly in cooperation with our farmer, deciding on roasting profiles, designing everything a brand needs, to taking photos and videos and selling coffees on our website – we were immersed deeply into the process of building a brand with a strong personality and a strong basis for a trustworthy product.


GARTENIMKEREI packaging honey.


A STORY photobook.